ARCXIS Engineering Services
At ARCXIS - via our subsidiaries Energy Inspectors, LLC and DPIS Engineering, LLC - we provide engineering services to the residential single-family, multi-family, mixed-use and commercial building industries.
- Our organization consolidates engineering & inspections
- Save time & money by eliminating duplication of services needed
- Multiple staff Professional Engineers (PEs)
- Centralized billing & uniform pricing
- Approved by all major warranty companies
- Full time office staff with no answering machine
- Inspectors are state licensed & code certified
Foundation Engineering
The service requires a set of CAD files and a soils report. ARCXIS provides a foundation design for this structure on this particular lot. This services is always bundled with a Pre-Placement, Placement, and Elongation Inspection. These inspections allow for the engineers to design the most value engineered foundation design possible.
Frame Engineering
This service provides a ceiling joist layout, beam locations, rafter layout, purlin and strut locations. Depending on the builder preference ARCXIS can also provide a floor system design. This services allows for a valued engineered design through either the Structural-only Inspection or the Frame.NET Inspection.
Wall Brace Engineering
This service is included in the Frame Engineering option. However, this sevice can be provided alone if needed. This shows the bracing on the walls to keep the structure from racking or twisting. This service must have at least a Sheathing or a Frame.NET Inspection to verify the construction matches drawings.
Attic Ventilation Calculations
This service provides the amount of lower and upper roof vents to provide a code compliant amount of attic ventilation
This service provides a material list of all framing components above the upper story top plate of the floor system. This is not estimate of the walls, brick, sheetrock, etc.
Plan Analysis - Code
Energy Plan Analysis in Remrate software to comply with code on the performance side of the code.
Plan Analysis - HERS
Energy Plan Analysis in Remrate software to comply with code and receive a HERS Index Score on the performance side of the code. This service will ultimately be reported to the National Rating Registry. This service will require an extra fee to cover the fee associated with the HERS rating charges from RESNET.
Plan Analysis - Energy Star
Energy Plan Anlaysis to the Energy Star Level. Builders must know the requirements of Energy Star. Both Performance and Prescriptive levels.
Guardian Enrollment
This is a fee for marketing materials and website presence for all Guardian Builders paying for this service. This is billed at the front end of the job and the marketing materials to support the Guardian Home Certification.
Windstorm Engineering
Engineering for product being built in the TDI Windstorm areas for Winds above 110 m.p.h. Inland 1, Inland 2, and Seaward. This service is only chosen when address needs TDI Certification for Windstorm Insurance. This service requires at least 10 additional inspections. Builder must report to TDI for WP-1. DPIS provides passing inspection dates to TDI so builder can receive the WP-2. Homeowner will then receive the WP-8.
Retaining Wall Engineering
This product of ARCXIS will provide the builder a Retaining Wall design to hold up the structural aspect of the home. Retaining Walls must provide structural integrity to the grounds below the home. The taller the wall the harder it is to support the home.