DPIS Engineering earns the Energy Star® Partner of the Year Award


February 11, 2022

DPIS Engineering earns the Energy Star® Partner of the Year Award

For the second year in a row, DPIS Engineering is honored to be a recipient of the 2017 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award for excellence as a Home Energy Rater! We’ve been an ENERGY STAR® partner for over 14 years, during which time we’ve verified more than 67,000 ENERGY STAR®-certified homes while developing and implementing strategies to help home builders.

In 2016, we verified over 2,400 homes, facilitated the adoption of ENERGY STAR® requirements by our local and national builder clients, including Habitat for Humanity, conducted ENERGY STAR® training sessions for builders and Home Energy Raters and established a recognized Home Energy Rater training program that incorporated ENERGY STAR® requirements. We could not be more proud to call ourselves a Partner of the Year!

Energy Star® is a joint program between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) that aims to help save money and protect the environment through energy efficiency. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR® has helped families and businesses save in excess of $430 billion (with a B!) dollars on energy costs.

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Every year, ENERGY STAR® acknowledges “a select group of organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency“ from a network of over 16,000 ENERGY STAR® partners. The award is widely recognized as a true indicator of our dedication to reducing greenhouse gas emissions while increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and improving the industry by consistently performing to the highest standards.

The ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award for Home Energy Rater is awarded in recognition of innovation and achievement in constructing and promoting ENERGY STAR®-certified homes and buildings. To qualify for this prestigious distinction, DPIS met stringent eligibility requirements, including

  • Make a formal commitment to building 100% of their homes according to ENERGY STAR® program requirements,
  • Maintain active ENERGY STAR® partner status and be in good standing for at least one complete year
  • Build a minimum of 50 ENERGY STAR®-certified homes during 2016
  • Be in good standing with the EPA with no compliance or regulatory infractions

It’s extremely rewarding to be recognized for our hard work and diligence, and we look forward to continuing our legacy of excellence in the future. For more information about the award, visit the ENERGY STAR® website: Energy Star Website